Thursday, 19 December 2013

Project 1 Making marks: Stage 2 Making marks in an expressive way

I cut out a square about 8cmx8cm and used this as a temple in which to make my marks in. I begin by just using a range of different pencils; hb, 5b, h etc. to create marks resembling certain words; bumpy, fast, hard, soft, delicate,sad, smooth, sharp, happy, slow.
I had a few attempts at each word, creating my own interpretations through marks, i have marked each mark with the pencil used and the word i am expressing.
Some marks were easier than others to create. For example, a fast mark can be created by scribbling as fast a you can, or a soft mark by pressing very lightly with a light pencil. These are visibly obvious to whoever may be viewing them. However marks expressing emotions were slightly harder to portray. A lot more thought had to go in to them. would a sad line be light or heavy? would it look to angry if it was thick? would people other than myself understand what i was trying to portray. Nevertheless, i gave it a go.
Here are the marks i made using pencils:

 After i had created some marks, i used my stencils again, but this time filled them with different tones created by each pencil; light, dark, and something in between, to get a feel of the different tones/ emotions i could create with each pencil and how each one could be used differently for different purposes.
I used different scribbles to create levels of tone for each pencil. Here is what i created:
 I then created some more marks, using the same words as i did previously, but using a wider range of different materials. I collected objects such as toothbrushes, sponges, wire sponges, twigs, paint brushes to create my marks. I then used ink, paint, crayons etc to display these marks.
I found twigs were good at creating quite heavy, thick marks, these were good to create marks such as hard and fast, and one that i had previously found difficult, sad.
Whereas sponges were good at creating quite light, delicate marks.
 i then experiment with more different material, experimenting with different ways in which marks could be created.
I made collages, rubbings of coins, leaves and keys i had found. I did some printing using different objects i had found; sponges, kitchen roll, bubble wrap and my favourite, a cabbage leaf. i also experimented with something i had never done before, painting coloured tissue paper with bleach. I used different mediums to do this, using twigs and toothbrushes to create different patterns. I love the way some of these have turned out.

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